Other Causes & Correlations


Lopez and Elziere’s research suggests that dizziness increases the occurrence of OBE. In Lopez and Elziere’s study, 14% of patients with dizziness have had at least one OBE, which is significantly higher than the healthy controls (5%). Furthermore, they suggest that the majority experienced an OBE only after experienced dizziness. This indicates that dizziness-evoking diseases may contribute to OBE too. For example, peripheral vestibular disorders such as vestibular neuritis, Meniere’s disease, perilympathic fistula and BPPV are common causes of OBE. Further study found similar gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex and vestibular loss in patients with and without OBE, indicating that additional factors (top-down) are involved in OBE. 


As dizziness is closely related to OBE, it is also expected that vestibular illusions have a similar impact. Indeed, it is screened that the activation of a vestibular illusion and OBE in the brain are both concentrated at the the right temporal-parietal region that is posterior to the postcentral gyrus, which is close by the multi-sensory cortex involved in vestibular processing. 

Moreover, people with OBE are recorded to have high depersonalization-derealization scores but lower than the average of psychiatric patients diagnosed with depersonalization-derealization disorders, which is a consistent sensation of detaching from one’s physical body or from one’s surrounding.  


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